Well I popped my new little web service into news.YC yesterday night to see what people thought of it - and what I could do before spreading it around a bit.
And someone there twittered it causing a serious influx of visitors! Bang goes the site. I wasn't surprised it happened but, having never been on the end of a rush like that, it was nice to finally get the experience.
Thanks a BUNCH to the resilience of my hosts for keeping the site up under the influx. Traffic has died down now to a steady 150 hits per hr (and growing) - which includes about 15 new visits an hr. A lot of that is direct links and google stuff as well: so awesome!
Really Tweetbars is a tech demo for some caching software I wrote as part of the cycle up to LiveMeta (my other project). The idea was to guerilla test it using a Twitter service: and it coped pretty well (although ZeeDotMe spotted a zero day crit bug that had to be fixed - thanks!).
So anyway: dont expext the earth with this. It *might* get more features (after this week) - it might not (really, it has all it needs right now). But drop me a feedback email if you want something tweaked!
By the weekend I hope to have some minor fixes and the choice of some different backgrounds :)
By the way; as of NOW tweetbars ingores all @replies and also properly wraps long tweets to 2 lines [see below] - which was the 2 big "bugs" people told me about.